Based on the 1988 cult classic movie of the same name, this pitch-black satirical comedy series is set in the present day. It features a group of all-new Heathers, whose character names are the same as in the film, but the outcasts this time are the popular high school students.
As the Senior Art Director at Paramount Network, I played a pivotal role in both conceptualizing and executing Key Art, Social, On Air, and Out of Home campaigns. My responsibilities encompassed overseeing the art direction of photoshoots and directing talent specifically for primary key art. Notably, our decision to capture all colors in-camera was a deliberate choice aimed at paying homage to the show's distinct aesthetic. The resulting Key Art campaign stood out as a highlight at NYC Comic Con, complemented by a compelling "school bus" activation that successfully engaged and attracted thousands of fans.
Key Art Campaign: Paramount Network
Photographer: Jamie Nelson