Impastor follows Buddy Dobbs (Michael Rosenbaum), a fugitive and hard-core gambling addict who, in order to hide from a pair of loan sharks, ends up stealing the identity of a recently deceased gay Lutheran pastor who was relocating to Ladner, a small-town community outside of Portland, Oregon.
Serving as the Senior Art Director at TV Land, I played a significant role in the conception, production, and implementation of the Key Art campaign and On-Air promotion for the second season premiere of "Impastor." Our shoots took place both on location and in a Vancouver studio during the show's production. I took a lead role in ensuring the successful realization of the envisioned creative concepts and the desired visual aesthetics for both photography and live-action promos. Additionally, I supervised the execution and finalization of all artworks and branding components.
Photographer: Justin Stephens
Angency: Art Machine