"Nobodies" is a comedic American TV series developed by Hugh Davidson, Larry Dorf, and Rachel Ramras, with production by Ben Falcone and Melissa McCarthy. The show follows three actor/comedians, members of the Groundlings, as they navigate the challenges of Hollywood, striving for recognition amidst their friends' rising fame and success. They humorously embody the concept of being the "Nobodies" still awaiting their significant breakthrough.
As the Senior Art Director at TV Land, I played a pivotal role in the ideation, production, and implementation of comprehensive On-Air, Out of Home, and Social campaigns for the premiere of "Nobodies." My responsibilities included directing both talent and the photography crew to realize the campaign's visual identity. Additionally, I supervised the post-production process, ensuring the finalization of all artworks and TV promos. This key campaign received extensive exposure in prominent cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Austin, Texas, notably during the SXSW festival.
Key ArtCampaign: TV Land
Role: Art Direction
Photographer: Mathias Clamer